Follow the steps below to apply for Testosterhome housing.
Step 2
Fill out online application
Step 3
Schedule Interview
Step 4
Pay Deposit and Move-in fees
Step 1
Download Digital Magazine
and Wait for Decision
The first step is to download the Free T-Home Digital Magazine. This Magazine has all of the information you are looking for, including Rent Prices, Photos, Amenities, and more. Submit your email below to get more information.
The second step in the application process is to fill out an application. Please take your time when filling out the application. Give fully developed answers. We use this application to get to know you and help place you with the best possible roommate.
Incomplete applications or applications with one-word answers may not be processed.
The third step in the application process is to schedule your interview. The ZOOM interview will be about an hour long.
After your interview, we review your application and contact your references. Please let your references know to be expecting to hear from us. After we have contacted your references, we will email you with our decision.
Once you receive our decision you must pay your move-in fees in order to secure your place in the Testosterhome. You will get an email with additional information when the time comes.
Move-in Total: $$1150 (shared) or $1350 (single) total. Breakdown of move-in costs below.
Security Deposit: $300
Cleaning Fee: $100 (non-refundable)
First+Last Month Rent $750 (shared) or $950 (single)